Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Discovery

 A Discovery

Guess what I found? A hidden treasure, that I have looked forward to seeing for a long time. Want to know what it is?

Here is a closer look at the little treasures...eye feathers!!

I've only waited a year and a half for these little beauties to show up.

Tulsa "Mommy, how come you never call me your hidden treasure??"

"MOMMY! Are you listening?"

 "This is your treasure speaking!!"

Prince, in order to thank me for oowing and awwing over his lovely new feathers, ripped my favorite skirt. Thanks Prince, I love you, too.

Blessings - 

~ Aspen


  1. Wow Aspen!!! They're beautiful!!!
    Just goes to show that girls will always want more attention than guys. :)

  2. Thank you. Yes, Tulsa loves her attention.

    Blessings -

    ~ Aspen
