Thursday, April 30, 2015

Working The Lavender Fields

Working The Lavender Fields

Last week, a friend from church asked if we would come help him plant 1700 lavender plants in a couple of his fields. We agreed.

A few days later we found ourselves on our hands and knees planting juvenile lavender plants in the earth. We planted 1200 the first day, and went back the next day and planted the last 500. shall I put this? I'm not partial to seeing lavender..of any kind..for at least a few weeks. ;) But, as far as jobs go, planting lavender beats a lot of other jobs I can think of, and I got a farmer's tan out of the deal as an added bonus, so hey?!

We'd take turns driving their small tractor back and forth to retrieve a trailer full of new plants from the house. I'm beginning to think a miniature tractor would be a welcome addition to our various farm appliances, yes? Of course yes!

We were also given five lavender plants, which we hope to establish in the backyard by the rose-beds. Perhaps this summer we will be able to harvest our own lavender for medicinal use (and others uses). 

The next day we all felt like singing the chorus to this song:

Blessings - 

~ Aspen


  1. Oh my goodness, that song is hilarious!

    1. Yes, my sister and I sing the duet together all the time. We a have all the parts memorized! Haha It's from the movie "Into The Woods"

      Blessings -

      ~ Aspen

  2. Oh, wow, I can't wait to see what that looks like fully-grown!

    1. Me, too! They make a fair sized bush that lasts for years. :)

      Blessings -

      ~ Aspen
