Thursday, August 21, 2014

#Swatt Team

#Swatt Team

I have joined the Swatt Team. That's right! You'd better watch it because I'm pretty bad-out! ;)

Now, more than likely when you hear the word "Swatt Team" you mentally picture some blokes like the ones pictured above, yes? Of course you do! nod your head...ok..good! We're in agreement.

BUT, let me reassure you that I didn't join that Swatt Team. Instead I have been accepted into TOWST (a.k.a The Official Wasp Swatting Team).

I am the Pool Warden, and arrest (OK, kill) every. single. wasp I see...with a swatter. Yep. Better watch out waspies!!

I have earned a fearsome (and violent) reputation among the pool attendees, just ask Des. ;) She knows the truth! 

Need help exterminating these vile creatures? #Swatt Team to the rescue! 

Blessings - 

~ #Swatt Team


  1. Brave girl!!!! Your post made me think of something that happened the other day. I'm going to tell you just because you put out this post :P Janessa came in from hanging out clothes with a wasp sting. So I went out with a winter coat on, a scarf, a welding helmet, and a gas can to try to exterminate the wasp nest that had taken up its abode in our clothes line. An remember this is in the middle of August. After about 4 tries I got it really good, but that was also after about 4 heart attacks when I saw lots of angry wasps come out of there in a rage. Just thought you would like that story. :P

    1. Oh. My. Goodness! I think you're braver than me! I've dealt with swarms of wasps before and it isn't fun at all!! I'm glad you're able to take them out, though!

      Blessings -

      ~ Aspen

  2. Oh goodness me!! This sounds excruciatingly violent! lol :)


    1. Oh yes, dearest, it was! You should've been here to join in on the fun! ;)

      Love ya

      Blessings -

      ~ Aspen
