Sunday, May 18, 2014

STOP & Smell The Roses!

STOP & Smell The Roses

This afternoon was another "one of those days". *sigh* I had just finished locking up all the critters, I was hot, tired, windblown, and in desperate need of a shower. Well here I was stomping back to the house in a sour disposition and out of the corner of my eye I see our rose bushes full of gorgeous pink blooms. I was in no mood to stop and admire them, I just wanted to go inside, be miserable, and feel sorry for myself. Right at that moment the old phrase "Take time to stop and smell the roses" popped into my head. I suddenly felt compelled to stop, turn about and admire the lovely flowers. And I did. And boy let me tell ya, the sweet, intoxicating aroma of the roses did it's job. I immediately felt like somebody (God) showered a better and more thankful mood over me.

 Some seem to think that life is all about the big, complicated things, and in some degree it is, but in the end it all boils down to the simply things in life. It can sometimes be difficult to learn to stop and appreciate those little things, even when they are staring up is the face!

This afternoon God knew I needed to be reminded of the many big and tiny blessings that I have in life. 

I went back inside, and in the process of kicking off my boots I discovered that I had pink rose petals scattered all inside my boots!! So when I yanked my foot out of the boot, pink petals went flying up everywhere! My heart fluttered a little bit I think! I'm pretty sure God wanted me to have yet another reminder that He loves me unconditionally, He cares, He knows my every trouble (even if they be petty and tiny in His eyes...). So yes, life can be stressful and full of turmoil at times, BUT God is there with us every step of the way, so no need to worry! God's got it all under control. 

When's the last time YOU stopped and smelled the roses?

Blessings - 

~ Aspen


  1. You know, for some inexplicable reason, I have never been able to smell roses. I can smell iris really well, but people are like "Don't those roses smell good?" "I guess if you say so." But they're pretty none the less.

  2. It takes a keen sense of smell, I will admit. ;) Were the roses on a bush or were they cut and in a bouquet? Fresh roses that are still on the bush or that are freshly picked have a lot more smell.

    Blessings -

    ~ Aspen
