Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Meet The Meaties

Meet The Meaties

All below pictures are mine.

Remember this post? Where I told you of my sudden and unexpected urge to get meat chickens? Well GUESS WHAT? I picked up 26 of them on Friday.

I had been hassling our local TSC for the past two weeks, pestering them with the arrival dates of the next batch of chicks. I'm sure they were sick and tired of me, but oh well.

They had 6 troughs (mostly) full of baby chicks and ducklings.

This one had assorted layers, they only had a couple of them left.

White Pekin ducklings, several of the employees tried to get me to buy some, but I told them I already had about sixty ducks, and even though they were really cute, I didn't need (noticed I didn't say want) any more. 

I think ducklings are the cutest baby fowl ever! I don't care what anyone says!  

The cute little Cornish X babies (meaties).

Red Sex Link chicks.

We told them we wanted all 26 of them, so they boxed them up for us, and we headed home with a box-full of peeping, fuzzy, chicks! 

Before I left to go pick them up, I got a brooder made up for them that I could put them straight into when we got home.

They were a little stressed out by their journey, but no worse for wear. A few minutes in the warm brooder soon made them start peeping contently again. 

I want to raise my Meaties as naturally as possible, so for a start I'm putting raw organic apple cider vinegar in their water. 

For the first few days I fed them dry chick starter, but now I've started fermenting their food. 

It took them a day or so to get used to it, but now they gobble it up excitedly whenever I refill their dish. 

 They are quite the curious little boogers, and adore me...at least my fingers and bright shining rings. *ahem*

I have four brooders in my room currently (I had to upgrade the Meaties to a bigger brooder, because they have already grown so much since the day I got them).

They spent (and still do in fact) most of their day napping under the warmth of the lamp and yes, eating. 

So far, I'm enjoying my Meaties and trying very hard not to get attached to them. They are extremely friendly and don't seem to mind me petting and loving on them. 
I plan on doing a weekly diary of their growth. So I hope you will join me on this little adventure that I'm embarking on!  

To be continued -

Blessings - 

~ Aspen

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Random Hodge Podge of Pictures That Are Overdue

Random Hodge Podge of Pictures That Are Overdue

Been missin' me? Well humph! I missed all of you! In defense of my not posting, I promise there is an excellent explanation for it! I have been extremely busy.....and you shall soon know why! ;) But that's another post, for now let's catch you up on some past events, shall we? I downloaded all the pictures off my phone, so there is a gob that I haven't posted.  

Remember I said I was hatching out some chicks for a friend of mine? Here is the latest batch of eggs that got shipped in, 2 1/2 dozen Brown Leghorn eggs! 

This weekend I whipped up a batch of my delicious homemade granola bars, along with some almost-gluten free brownies.

Enjoy these beautiful cloud pictures! Unfortunately, we didn't end up with more than a couple of sprinkles out of it all. 

It's amazing how it can be perfectly sunny and bright, and the next moment the clouds move in and it turns dark. 

A strange grey/brown haze we had one morning. 

I absolutely love sunbeams coming out of the sky. Magnificent!

Put 35 Easter Eggers in lockdown in the hatcher several days ago, they are all hatching right now..but more on that later.

Also put some Lavender Orpingtons, and assorted colors of Silkies into the hatcher.

 You wouldn't believe how much Aragorn, Eomer, Gimli and Sauron have grown since I've taken this picture. Updated pictures coming soon...

Carolina and I were out picking flowers one morning and saw this lovely butterfly fluttering around.

 Can you spot the duck egg in this picture?

Oh look! There it is! Apparently, the duck that laid this egg thinks she deserves a throne to lay her eggs on. Mmmm

Lorna, who thinks she's an oversized puppy. *ahem* We haven't plucked up the courage to tell her that she's actually a horse, and cannot come inside.

Pixie, who also thinks she belongs inside with the rest of the puppy dogs. 

Barefooted...who ME? Oh yeah, that's me. 

I am in-love with Pixie's hair, it reminds me of a Shetlands pony's mane.

Obviously, Pixie and Lorna were posing...

Are you tired of clouds pictures yet? No? Good! Me either.

Taking an evening walk.

Gypsy and Coconut taking a stroll up the road and checking out all those new scents. ;)

Stockton and Carolina got some new plants, including some Elephant Ears...yes strange name I know, but it sure fits the plant!

Little Man, being camera shy. 

Spending a little quality time with the girls. Ms. Fuzzypants is a good lap chicken. If you ever need a lap warmer, let me know, I'll let you borrow her. 

A Serama and a Call duck egg, aren't they tiny?!

Daffy, Taffy, Bunny (yes I have a duck named Bunny, got a problem with that??) and my Pied drake who lacks a name.

I'm very pleased with this coop arrangement. The chickens and Call ducks get along well, and it allows me to easily gather their eggs, instead of having to search high and low for them, like I did before.

However, I'm afraid the Peababies don't share my opinion. 

Tulsa: "Momma, take these alien creatures back to where they came from!!"

Tulsa: "Mommmyyyy! Ello'???"

Princey boy, looking fabulous, as always.

Tulsa: "Oh and um Mommy, when you get rid of those alien creatures, make sure you bring us some treats! Don't forget!"

 See Prince? He displays just about every morning for his ladies, but guess what?

As soon as I pull out my camera, he drops his tail, and is like, "Hey Mom! Wheres the treats??" Good grief.

Oh well, half of a displayed tail is still pretty, right? 

The ducks escaped their pen and came up to the front yard for a visit. 

Secretly, I think they were hoping I'd give them a treat..since they were in the area. 

It's hard to believe that just a short week ago, Aragorn and his companions were inside the these eggs!

Kayla,this is for you! I found this grass spider while watering the peach trees and thought of you instantly.

Meet Charlie, our attack goose who is always on patrol. 

Beware if you try and mess with one of Charlie's girls, you will get bitten. ;)

A beautiful foggy morning.

I found one of the Call ducks atop the peafowl pen one morning, she must enjoy an excellent birds eye view. ;)

Blessings - 

~ Aspen