Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bunny Bottles, Oh and Please Lay In Your Nest!

Bunny Bottles, Oh and Please Lay In Your Nest!

Since winter has moved in green grass is a scarce/rare commodity and the bunnies have come to consider it a treat to have a nibble of green vegetation.  

During the day, if the weather is pleasant, they bunnies stay in their big hutch in the front yard, then in the evening I bring them indoors (my room to be exact). Because I cannot seem to sleep at night if I know they are outside and possibly cold. For awhile I just had one cage that all four of them had to share, but we picked up another cage so I can split them up into pairs. They seem to be a lot more comfortable with this new arrangement.

 Since I got them, I'd been using a plastic container to hold their water, well they got smart all of the sudden and decided it was more fun to flip the container over and use it as a chew toy, than to have water. So along with the new cage I also got a couple bunny bottles. Now everyone is happy...for the most part. They have water 24/7 and I don't have to worry about them flipping it over. The only con is that all night long I have to listen to the constant sound of them getting water, which is a really annoying clicking sound. But oh well. Who am I to say nay to bunny thumping, running marathons, and clicking in the middle of the night? Not I.


Explain something for me, would you? Let's assume for the moment that you are a chicken, you just made a big, beautiful nest to lay your egg in...

and you lay in on the other side of the pen. Please explain.....???

Blessings - 

~ Aspen

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